
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10

In our journey through Ecclesiastes, we are confronted with the question of what place pleasure holds in the Christian life. Historically, the church has swung between extremes—asceticism, where all worldly pleasures are shunned, and a more liberal approach that embraces pleasure as a gift from God. The world often views Christianity as incompatible with pleasure, suggesting that true enjoyment is only found in sin. However, Solomon, inspired by the Holy Spirit, invites us to pursue pleasure as a gift from God, cautioning us to prioritize the Giver over the gift itself.

Solomon's counsel in Ecclesiastes 9 encourages us to enjoy life despite its inherent frustrations and the inevitability of death. He acknowledges the vanity and injustice of life but urges us to find joy in the simple pleasures God provides. This includes enjoying food and drink, dressing well, cherishing our spouses, and finding satisfaction in our work. These pleasures are not ends in themselves but are meant to draw us closer to God, the ultimate source of joy.

The danger lies in pursuing pleasure for its own sake, which can lead us away from God. Instead, we are called to enjoy life under the umbrella of God's grace, recognizing that these pleasures are gifts meant to sustain us in a broken world. Solomon's message is clear: life is fleeting, and we should not delay in living it well. We are to embrace the joy found in everyday moments, understanding that they are a foretaste of the eternal joy promised to us in Christ.